Year 2011 — Volume 5 — Issue 10

Comparing A.S. Neill To Rousseau, Appropriate?
Pages: 1-19

The following article explores a comparison drawn by several authors between A.S. Neill and J.-J. Rousseau. To conduct this exploration, the article first delineates a methodology that rests on the analysis of key educational themes. Then, the article contextualizes the works of both Neill and Rousseau. This contextualization clarifies the subsequent comparative analysis. This analysis examines Neill and Rousseau’ stances on knowledge, learning, teaching and the nature of learners. This examination identifies evident discrepancies between the discourses of both authors. As a result, it concludes that the likening of Neill to Rousseau is largely inappropriate.
Marc-Alexandre Prud’Homme and Dr. Giuliano Reis


Setting The Record Straight: Interviews With A Hundred British Home Educating Families
Pages: 20-57

This study provides the first in-depth insight into home educators’ thoughts in the UK. One hundred UK-based home-educating families were interviewed, 33 twice, mostly in their own homes, after having been randomly selected from a larger sample of families responding to an initial home-education questionnaire (Rothermel 2002). Participating families were from diverse socio-economic groups, family structures and cultural backgrounds. The interviews were undertaken with a view to exploring issues within home-educating families that would not necessarily have become apparent through the questionnaires alone. The interviews revealed clear friction in some families, both within the home-educating family and between them and their extended family, which directly related to home-education. Generally however, the home-educating families were satisfied with their choice and relished the close family relationships engendered. These extensive interviews underline the view that viewing home educators as ‘types’ is useful only to those local authorities aiming to integrate children into school.
Paula Rothermel


Re/Viewing Student Success in an Era of Accountability
Pages: 58-99

This paper examines how student success is defined in Ontario schools. In the current era of accountability, student success is often narrowly defined in terms of student achievement on standardized tests. Alternate definitions of student success are explored by viewing student success from the vantage point of various stakeholders. Finally, the author suggests that we need to re/view student success by envisioning it from the perspective of the students themselves.
Christine Duncan


Why Do You Stand So Far Away? A Qualitative Look At The Lived Experience Of Alternative School Students.
Pages: 100-127

In recent years, research has begun to focus on identifying and understanding those factors that contribute to the likelihood of a student’s not completing high school (risk factors) and those factors that contribute to keeping a student in school (protective factors). This paper details the qualitative findings from a survey study of 145 students and in-depth interviews with 12 alternative high school students. Data was analyzed using a Rapid Assessment team analysis approach (Beebe, 2001). This paper provides a description of the qualitative interview data, with support from the survey data. The study also identifies strategic approaches that students claim are effective in keeping them engaged in school and the factors that hinder their abilities to complete high school.
Dr. Michael I. Poutiatine and L. Veeder
